Nos actualités


Protection des Busards

🌿 Lors d’une mission sur le terrain, nous avons eu la chance d’observer un couple de Busards cendrĂ©s et de suspecter la prĂ©sence d’un nid Ă  proximitĂ©. 🩅

La coopĂ©ration entre les exploitants Ă©oliens, les agriculteurs et les bureaux d’Ă©tudes permet de rĂ©duire l’impact sur la population des Busards en pĂ©riode de moisson.

📍 Aujourd’hui, nous avons rĂ©ussi Ă  localiser ce nid et Ă  le protĂ©ger afin de prĂ©server les jeunes oiseaux. 🐣

🙏 Merci pour votre intĂ©rĂȘt et votre soutien dans la protection de notre biodiversitĂ© ! 🌍

busards busards busards

🌿 During a field mission, we were fortunate to observe a pair of Montagu’s Harriers and suspected the presence of a nest nearby. 🩅

The collaboration between wind farm operators, farmers, and research organizations has a positive impact on the Harrier population during the harvest season.

📍 Today, we successfully located the nest and secured it to protect the young birds. 🐣

🙏 Thank you for your interest and support in protecting our biodiversity! 🌍

hashtagBiodiversity hashtagWildlifeConservation hashtagMontagusHarrier hashtagBirdProtection hashtagFieldMission hashtagHarrierNest hashtagNatureConservation hashtagWindFarms hashtagSustainableFarming hashtagEnvironmentalProtection hashtagBirdsOfPrey hashtagEcology hashtagSaveTheBirds hashtagHarrierProtection hashtagBiodiversityProtection hashtagsensoflife