Nos actualités
Protection des Busards
đż Lors d’une mission sur le terrain, nous avons eu la chance d’observer un couple de Busards cendrĂ©s et de suspecter la prĂ©sence d’un nid Ă proximitĂ©. đŠ
La coopĂ©ration entre les exploitants Ă©oliens, les agriculteurs et les bureaux d’Ă©tudes permet de rĂ©duire l’impact sur la population des Busards en pĂ©riode de moisson.
đ Aujourd’hui, nous avons rĂ©ussi Ă localiser ce nid et Ă le protĂ©ger afin de prĂ©server les jeunes oiseaux. đŁ
đ Merci pour votre intĂ©rĂȘt et votre soutien dans la protection de notre biodiversitĂ© ! đ
đż During a field mission, we were fortunate to observe a pair of Montagu’s Harriers and suspected the presence of a nest nearby. đŠ
The collaboration between wind farm operators, farmers, and research organizations has a positive impact on the Harrier population during the harvest season.
đ Today, we successfully located the nest and secured it to protect the young birds. đŁ
đ Thank you for your interest and support in protecting our biodiversity! đ
hashtag Biodiversity hashtag WildlifeConservation hashtag MontagusHarrier hashtag BirdProtection hashtag FieldMission hashtag HarrierNest hashtag NatureConservation hashtag WindFarms hashtag SustainableFarming hashtag EnvironmentalProtection hashtag BirdsOfPrey hashtag Ecology hashtag SaveTheBirds hashtag HarrierProtection hashtag BiodiversityProtection hashtag sensoflife